Three ways to give your writing a little va va voom
Sometimes, the words just don't come. Or when they do, they aren't quite as wonderful as you need them to be. Here's what to do

B2C vs B2B copywriting: What's the difference?
If you’re in the comms industry, you’re either dealing with B2B or B2C. Some lucky people like us deal with both. But one alphabetical shift

The experts speak: five writing tips from the latest edition of 'The Copy Book'
'The Copy Book' is packed full of useful tips to help you get the best from your writing. Here, you can find five that will help you

Sw**r*ng - how to do it and why it works
Messages don’t always resonate with an audience in the way you intended. Unfortunately, it happens. But if you genuinely cause offense, it’s

What could GDPR emails possibly teach you about persuasive writing?
Whether it’s the World Cup, final of Wimbledon, or the humble sales email, competition brings out the best in people (unless you play footba