How to tap into your audience's emotions
Five fast ways to connect with your audience on a sub-conscious level.

Five brands getting chatty copy right
Chatty copy doesn't have to be irritating. Here's five brands doing it well and what you can learn from them.

What’s the latest edition of The Copy Book tell us about changes in copywriting?
A lot’s happened since 1995. The internet, social media, fragmentation of traditional media audiences… to name a few. So we wanted to find o

When to start (word)playing around
Us copywriters are paid to be smart with language. It's our job to manipulate words, fusing, refining and cross-fertilising meaning to c

How to make everyone do what you want: the science of pre-suasion
As copywriters, persuasion is what we do and language is how we do it. As an agency, we've helped top brand agencies and companies influ