How to get the copy job you really want
Thinking of applying for work at BB Copywriting? Here are some tips on what will make you stand out and make us pay attention.
We often recruit graduate interns. And we're always open to approaches from freelance copywriters. But we're astonished by how few approaches really ignite our interest. So here are some tips on what we like to see.

The cover email needs character Dear Mr Benson, I am a freelance copywriter and would like to apply for..... zzzzzz. Yes, you need to open with why you're writing. But can you reveal some personality as you do it? Show us you can grab someone's attention. Say something that reveals what makes you tick. Show us your natural tone or demonstrate a range.
What can you offer us that no one else can? Experience in a certain sector? A gift for a certain type of writing? You'll need to have looked around our site to see the sort of work we do. We'll be impressed by that. It shows commitment and serious interest.
Samples Links to the work you're most proud of, please, with a little context so we can understand the challenge, your role and what the work achieved.
Starting out and not got any commissioned work? No problem. Just choose three brands whose copy you admire and write something for them. Even better, mock up a design that shows how it would have looked.
Write in with a range of work so we can see what types of media and sectors you would be good at.
Employment history with meaning One applicant, who turned out to be one of our best ever graduate hires, left off his sales job at H&M. He didn't think it was relevant. Yet copywriting is all about persuasion and customer service. Retail sales experience is useful. At least you've shown you're comfortable with the idea of selling. Instead of just listing your jobs, add what each taught you that's relevant to copywriting.
You've been a creative in an advertising you’re used to conceptual thinking.
You've held a marketing you understand what clients are trying to achieve and how a sales email serves the overall marketing plan.
Tell us your day rate, availability and location That way we don't have to ask about it later. And are you interested in a part or full time permanent role? Or is it freelancing you want? Or are you flexible?
Perhaps five percent of the applications we receive have all these elements. Hardly any make an effort to demonstrate difference, talent and allure in their cover note. Yet that's what copywriting is all about. That's what we need to do for our clients. So, please, turn it on. Take a few risks. Show us the real you. Give us something to savour.

Barnaby Benson
Date posted: 10/09/2021